

Tinnitus (Ringing in Ears) Stopped + Old Sports Injuries Greatly Relieved

Dr Michelle Sabra treated me with something called Neurolink yesterday. Heard about her success treating professional athletes. Couple old sports injuries (shoulder, hip, etc) bothering me for years. Worked legs this morning with zero pain for first time in years. Yes, years. Tinnitus (ringing in ears) stopped after treatment too. Slept beautifully. Amazing morning. While I’d never heard of this before, I cannot recommend it highly enough. All my best.

James P. - Atlanta, GA


Infertile to Pregnant in 3 months - after 5 years of exhausting medical options 

Dec 2020

Hello everyone my name is Mary I’m 27 and I found out about Dr. Michelle through a friend of the family. She had told me how Dr. Michelle had helped her emotionally and physically. So I decided to give it a try, I was suffering from a lot of pain and infertility, irregular cycles, and worse I wasn’t able to get pregnant, me and my husband tried for 5 years which were super hard for us I felt like I was a failure, during those 5 years I had 1 miscarriage which affected me so much.         I was just ready to give up in my tries to being a mother, I had tried everything we had, and we spend a lot of money with different doctors. Even though when I was younger I never imagined how hard it would be for me to become pregnant since I was so young when I got married, not being able to get pregnant for so many years affected me emotionally and I just couldn’t have a positive image of myself, sometimes I would feel super unhappy with myself. My husband has always been there for me since day 1 he would always know what to say to make me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world, but I knew he wanted a baby as much I did. It’s sad that some women have to go through this. But like I said my husband has always been wonderful to me, he did everything in his hands to make me feel happy. I talked to him about Dr. Michelle and I started to google her and found so many articles and wonderful testimonies about her helping a lot of people. One day I decided to call her and I got a response from her a few days later which I was super excited!  I had never been to Chiropratic before, we set up an appointment and I was super nervous that day I had my appointment.

The first time I met Dr. Michelle she was wonderful, she explained everything to me and how Chiropractic works. She is one of the most amazing people I have ever met, she made me feel like I was at home and I could express myself to her openly. Being a patient to Dr. Michelle has been a great experience, I feel super good no more pain and with a lot more energy, and the best part is that I found out I’m pregnant.

 I am 3 months pregnant now.

And I’m super excited! I would definitely recommend to all the women who are struggling with infertility to give Chiropractic a try and Neurolink as well it helped me a lot. 

And I can say I have the best Chiropractor, Dr. Michelle thank you so much for being the best and for being so loving with your patients and for putting yourself in everyone’s shoes to understand each one of them like you do with me ❤️

Sincerely, Mary R. - Atlanta, Ga 

Heart Skipping / Irregular heart beat/ Not Sleeping- Relief

I want to say that Dr. Michelle Sabra is an excellent chiropractor, an upper cervical specialist, which is something we look for in a Chiropractor. She is also an excellent NIS practitioner which is a type of integrated care that connects the neurology with the physiology. This approach is far more, and has been for our whole family, a key to wellness. Recently my husband had a heart cath performed as he had been having significant heart skipping. He had this same procedure performed 12 years previous with a 40 percent blockage in one of his aortas. We have always been health conscious and over the last few years been more focused on this with the last 9 months becoming about 85 percent plant based. He did a virtual imaging heart scan and it showed 0 calcification which we were happy about. The current heart cath showed no soft blockages as well. (The 40% blockage was gone) Yet he still was experiencing significant skipping. The option he had from his cardiologist and the specialist was an ablation to normalize the heart rythem. So instead we opted to see Dr. Sabra for an adjustment and neurolink. The outcome was amazing... more than we could have expected. He has had 2 neurolink procedures. After the first he had experienced probably only a handful of skipped beats (when he had many during the day and so many it would keep him awake at night). After the second NIS procedure he has had NONE! (Almost 6 weeks now) I urge anyone reading this to investigate the NIS procedure (Neuro Integration System) and get this done. We both feel it is far superior to other techniques, and a true key to wellness.

Debbie & Brian S. - Ball Ground, Ga


Vertigo / Vestibular Issue / Dizziness / Over Sensitive to Smells / Severe Car Sickness- Relief 

I suffered with Vertigo (debilitating dizziness), Vestibular issues, pain in my inner ear, neck and base of my skull, my symptoms increased with changes in the weather, for over 4 years. I had gone through multiple ENT visits, Timpanic exploratory surgery, lots of medication's without the tiniest bit of relief. I felt like I was loosing my sanity, the ringing in my ears, jaw pain, neck pain was increasing resulting in severe fatigue. I couldn't mow my lawn because I was over sensitive to smells and it would trigger the vertigo. I couldn't ride far in a car without feeling sick, I was unable to drive a car. I felt like my life was severely restricted. I searched and searched for relief, then I discovered Dr. Michelle, and within a short time I saw miraculous relief !  I feel like I got my sanity back! I could sleep, the vertigo was gone, the pain was gone, the water feeling in my ears was gone, and I could resume my life!  I can even mow my lawn and drive a car! I have been to other Chiropractors but not with skills like Dr. Michelle. I highly recommend to anyone Dr. Michelle and the Upper Cervical & Neurolink procedures she does! I love it! I'm a big advocate. My advice.. don't question it, go with it, she is FABULOUS !

Julie D. ~ Loganville, Ga 


Hand Tremors Gone!

Dear Dr. Michelle,

Thank you so very much for your continued excellent work with Dr. S. He was able to pass a full pitcher of tea to another individual at last nights dinner party.

NO TREMORS - STEADY HAND- YAAY!! We will continue to visit you once monthly. Doc is looking great & feeling great.

Sincerely, Dr, Judith H -Albany Ga 


Ataxia Relief / Painful Knee - Relief  

A good friend told me that Dr. Michelle Sabra had done for her what no one else was able to do with her problem she had for forty years! She was quite insistent that Dr. Michelle had something that would help my husband with his Ataxia ( a neurological condition that makes him unable to walk, talk, or swallow.) He has good days and bad days and we tried many things to help. Nothing has been as effective as Neurolink. One day was "a miracle!" We came for his appointment on a very bad day. He was unable to walk and talk and had to be helped into her office. After about an hour of Neurolink treatment, he was able to sit up, get up, walk normally and talk normally! We were amazed! This was after she had also fixed his bad knee which had been in pain for over 12 years at a previous appointment. The fun part was seeing the look on his other doctors face the next week. The other specialist was blown away with the improvement in George's condition!

We are so very grateful for Dr. Michelle Sabra, Upper Cervical & Neurolink.

Joyce & George Y. - Big Canoe, Ga


Allergies Relief & Chemical Sensitivities Relief / Colds - Flu / Headaches Relief Hand Tremors Gone!!

May 5, 2015

Dr. Michelle,

Sine I have been coming to you, about a year and a half, my health has greatly improved.

Overall, I seem to be without as much challenge from colds or flu. Also the allergies are much better. this past winter I was not sick at all.

I used to have headaches regularly. Since coming to you, I rarely get a headache. I used to get knots in my back (very sore) which are almost non-existent now. I was diagnosed 25 years ago with fibromyalgia. Today, thanks to alternative medicine and more recently, to you, Dr. Michelle, symptoms are slim to none.

I take less medicine, and when I do take medicine, it is more effective. It has felt, for many years, like my body was chemically toxic. Consequently, when I try to add good vitamins or herbal formulas, often my body would simply rebel. As a result of keeping my body in alignment, I am able to tolerate formulas that I previously was not able to take for my benefit. 

Dr. Michelle, you have incredible knowledge for the advanced type of Chiropractic that you practice. I have gone to many Chiropractors over the years and you are the Chiropractor among Chiropractors. Because of your knowledge of the Grostic approach and other techniques, you are at the top of your field. With my previous Chiropractor experience, my body would not hold an adjustment very long. Not so with you. 

Most of all, Dr. Michelle, I appreciate the genuine care and concern you have for me and all of your patients. Your heart to heal and to see others well is huge.

When I come to you, I feel I have your full attention. You are fully present, and even willing to "think outside the box!" At times you've suggested other therapies and possibilities for me. You are a little world of information yourself.

I am grateful for the success I have experienced physically because of you. Thank you for operating in the fullest of whom you are called to be, and gifted to be.


Cindy T.  - Atlanta, Ga.


Feel 10 Years Younger! / Positive Outlook Returns / Clear Thinking / Mobility Returns / Dizziness Relief

How does Neurolink feel? Before Neurolink I was experiencing bouts of woozy & dizziness, After Neurolink I felt more centered. After a few hours and some rest, I FELT 10 YEARS YOUNGER! That is my "normal" now. I move easily, think more clearly, and have energy for whatever I need to do. There is a definite mood improvement, which takes be back to my "normal" positive outlook a few years ago. My neck is feeling better everyday, and I can tell the injury is finally healing. Thank You so much for your care!

Bobbie V - Atlanta Ga.


Migraine Relief / Pregnancy & Chiropractic

March 21, 2010

Recommendation for Dr. Michelle Sabra

Before I met Dr. Sabra, I had been seeking relief for migraines for 5 years, and I had given up on conventional medicine and almost given up on chiropractic.  I had been seeing various doctors and trying various remedies for the incapacitating migraines I was getting 1-3 times a month.  My regular doctors had prescribed some migraine medications that helped me to temporarily deal with the pain of the migraines, but they certainly did not help the cause, since they kept reoccurring, and they did not even have any practical ideas of what might be causing them.  My doctors did not once suggest chiropractic care, but I thought it might help, but I was skeptical.  I tried two other chiropractors for a month each before I visited Dr. Sabra, but they were not good experiences.  They were not very helpful, and I often left in greater pain that when I came in.  In contrast, Dr. sabra took the time to explain every step of what she was doing so I fully understood my part in the process.  It also helped me relax so the adjustment was not painful.  She identified neck and back problems that the other chiropractors had also noticed, but she also took the time to check my arms, legs, feet, and head as well.  The adjustments she did on my extremities made all the difference.  Problems I had that I had not even thought to mention, as I thought they were just part of life, were relieved(teeth grinding, wrist pain, and an arm/shoulder that I could not fully extend).  She showed me exercises and gave me information on how to work on my posture to try to avoid future problems.  After being adjusted weekly for a couple of months, my migraines lessened, and it was so wonderful! I did not fully realized how much of life I was missing, between actually being out with migraine pain and also the time I spent fearing the next one.  After a year and a half of care, I am migraine free, and I attribute that to my adjustments.  In addition, during that time frame I had my third son, and got adjusted throughout my pregnancy and immediately afterwards.  What a difference that made!  Pains that I had during each of my pregnancies reoccurred with my third one as well, but I found relief each time I got adjusted.  It was my best pregnancy ever, despite being 10 years older this time than the first wellness.  It has made such a difference in my life.  Now almost everyone in my family sees her(dad, sister, brother-in-law, husband, and children) because of the difference they can see she has made for me, and the difference she is making for each of them.        


Lynn M.  - Marietta, Ga


PMS Relief / Mood Swings Relief / Depression Relief

I have suffered from severe PMS through out my life. The traditional doctors always recommended birth control pills for my hormonal unbalance and Prozac and  zanax for my mood swings and depression.  I refused to take such medication and harm my body in other ways, so I decided to lived with my monthly mood swings, depression symptoms, and hatred I felt. I knew it was temporary and once my PMS was over I would be back to being myself. Sometimes during that time the symptoms were extreme and I had difficulties with my job, my relationships, and with my family. I hated myself and my life. 
One day my friend told me that her chiropractor offers Neurolink and that she had it done.   I started my research to find out information on Neurolink, and since I was in the middle of looking for a new chiropractor the timing was perfect. She referred me to Dr. Michelle Sabra and I figured I should try Neurolink to see if it helps with my hormones. 
There are many aspects of Neurolink that I like but my top reason is that is not invasive and all you need is a few follow ups, but my favorite part of Neurolink is that it worked for me.

I have been in perfect hormonal balance since Neurolink. I am living a drug free, happy balanced life. Oh and my friends and family are happy too.

Susan R. - Atlanta, Ga


Vertigo Relief 

I have been seeing Dr. Michelle for just over a month and a half.

The results have been unbelievable!

I have had lots of chiropractors adjust me over the years.  Dr. Michelle listened to all of my concerns and she came from a loving place.  She adjusted me and then started to do this technique called "Neurolink".

I had been searching for a holistic therapy that would not only help me with my symptoms but also help to boost my energy and give me hope.  I've found that with Dr. Michelle who not only is a great Chiropractor but incorporates this technique.

Last year, I had suffered with temporary Vertigo. It only lasted on and off for about a week.  This year, I felt the dizziness coming on again with my ears blocked and ringing in my ears at night. I felt as if I would have to deal with these symptoms yet again.  It was making me sad and frustrated.  I was starting to wonder what would be next.

 I now sleep soundly, no ringing in the ears, no dizziness, better coordination, less pain, more energy, and a zest for life!  My husband and I can go on long hikes together and I'm enjoying exercise again!  I feel 5 years younger and not an older lady.  I feel very blessed to have met Dr. Michelle and I know she's a GIFT FROM GOD! I'm now more positive and looking forward to sharing my story with others that have lost hope.


Jen K. - Smyrna, Ga